The program aims to mainstream and educate the children of incarcerated families ensure their all-round development through various interventions to help them accomplish their academic, and social goals and save them from becoming a victim of their parental incarceration.
Why do we need this program?
Financial Crisis: The incarceration of one or both earning members of the family puts a financial strain on the children and the caregivers.
Social stigma: Due to the incarceration background of the parents, the children are often faced with a social stigma.
Increased vulnerability: Increased risk of being exploited by any neighbour/ relatives kidnapped and running away may even get into criminal activities.
Forced to take adult responsibilities: The children are forced to take up the responsibilities of their parents in their absence.
Interrupted formal education: In child’s daily activities get interrupted due to the sudden absence of parents and the to miss out on years of formal education.